We are pleased to provide each of our guests at Wine Country Family Dental with affordable, personal and professional dental services. To do this, our dentist, Dr. Mark Schutte, and his team provide flexible payment options and work with a variety of insurances, including:
- MetLife
- Cigna®
- WDS (Washington Dental Service)
- HMA (Healthcare Management Administrators)
- Regence
- Asuris Northwest Health
- Delta Dental® (All States)
- ODS (Oregon Dental Service)
- Moda Health
- Uniform Dental Plan
- Starmount
- Unum
- Colonial Life
- Always Care
In addition to filing your insurance claims and helping you maximize your benefits, we accept the following forms of payment: cash, checks, credit cards and payment plans through CareCredit. We invite you to also call our dental office in Pasco, Washington, at 509-547-3000 if you have questions about our in-office insurance plan, described below.
We offer affordable payment plans for everyone, which means having your treatment done and not having to pay all of your bill up front. Requirements for payment plan include: two current pay stubs and a low down payment, as well as a valid debit or credit card. You choose the day of the month on which your payment is due, and we process your monthly payment automatically. However, if you choose to pay in full on the date of service, with cash or check, we offer a 10% discount.
Se habla Español!Ofrecemos planes de pago para todos. Hace que te hagan el tratamiento y no tengas que pagar todo por adelantado. Requisitos para el plan de pago: dos talonarios de pago actuales y un pago inicial bajo, también una tarjeta de débito o crédito válida, usted elige el dÃa del mes y procesamos su pago mensual automáticamente. Sin embargo, si elige pagar en su totalidad en la fecha del servicio, con efectivo o cheque, le ofrecemos un descuento del 10%.Pay Your Bill Online With the Link Below!
Pay with Card

Apply for CareCredit® With the Link Below!

Pay Online with CareCredit or Sunbit!